The Indian Institute of Company Secretaries is accepting applications to serve as a general observer for the CS exams.
Only current members are eligible to apply to be General Observers. For the task, the candidates will receive an honorarium of ₹ 1,400 each day.
Interested members of the Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI) are invited to apply to register as General Observers for Company Secretary examinations.
The ICSI observer site allows candidates to register online. The website will be accessible from November 11–30, 2023. Only current members are eligible to apply to be General Observers. For the task, the candidates will receive an honorarium of Rs 1,400 each day.
For the exams that are planned to take place between December 21 and December 30, applications are being accepted.
Twice a year, in the months of June and December, the Institute offers company secretary examinations at various locations in India and overseas. Each year, the Institute assigns local members to act as General Observers in examination centers, where they supervise and guarantee the seamless administration of the CS exams.
The individuals chosen for the role of General Observer will only be eligible for the requested session. For each session of the CS tests, they would have to re-register themselves if they were interested in the CS observer portal.
Read also: ICAI announces the results of the forensic accounting and fraud detection course.