
Educate yourself Online for free in 2023

Educate yourself Online for free in 2023 We are very fortunate to have a wealth of information at our fingertips. There are many online resources that we can use to educate ourselves. Sometimes it can become overwhelming with all the options, but we should never be overwhelmed by information. Depending on what you want to educate about, you should find a ton of online resources on the subject. Traditional learning has taken a step back for individuals who want to control their time and discover what information is beneficial to their lives.

So many people have decided to quit their 9-5 jobs in hopes of monetizing their passions. A lot of successful people have emerged and you can find teenagers starting businesses and succeeding without much formal qualification. If you’re looking to self-educate yourself, we have great resources to get you started.

Top 14 Online Resources For Self-Education.

  1. Youtube 
  2. W3School
  3. Coursera
  4. Udemy
  5. MDN
  6. SkillShare
  7. Edx
  8. Udacity
  9. Linkedln Learning
  10. MIT Open Courseware
  11. Stanford Online
  12. CodeWars
  13. EICT Academy
  14. SoloLearn


YouTube is a global online videos sharing and social media platform headquartered in San Bruno, California. It was started on February 14, 2005 by Steve Chen, Chad Hurley and Javed Karim. They can use YouTube to find videos that help them make their lessons more understandable and enjoyable. YouTube can also be accessed from any device with an Internet connection, so a student can be assigned a YouTube video to watch at home as homework to help them grasp topics discussed in class.



W3Schools is a free mium educational website for learning coding online.Initially released in 1998, it derives its name from the World Wide Web but is not affiliated with the W3 Consortium.W3Schools offers courses covering all aspects of web development.W3Schools also publishes free HTML templates. It is run by Refsnes Data in Norway.It has an online text editor called TryIt Editor, and readers can edit examples and run the code in a test environment.



Coursera is a US-based massive open online course provider founded in 2012 by Stanford University computer science professors Andrew N g and Daphne Koller. Coursera works with universities and other institutions to offer online courses, certifications, and degrees in a variety of subjects. It is estimated that in 2021 around 150 universities will offer more than 4,000 courses through Coursera.



Udemy is an educational technology company that provides an online teaching and learning platform. It was founded in May 2010 by Eren Bali, Gagan Biyani, and Oktay Kagler. As of November 2022, the platform has more than 57 million students, 213,000 courses, and 74,000 instructors teaching courses in 75 languages. There are more than 773 million course enrollments. Students take courses primarily to improve jobs-related skills. Some courses earn credit toward technical certification. Udemy attracts corporate trainers who want to create courses for their company’s employees.


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What MDN is used for: MDN Web Docs (formerly known as Mozilla Developer Network or MDN) is a free resource for in-depth documentation on web standards such as HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, and more. MDN mission is simple: provide developer with the information they need to easily build projects on the open web.



Skillshare is a United States-based online learning community for people who want to learn from educational videos. Non-accredited courses are available through paid subscription only. Most courses focus primarily on communication rather than lecture. Learning objective by completing a project. Core course disciplines include creative arts, design, entrepreneurship, lifestyle and technology.



edX is an American provider of massive open online courses (MOOCs) created by Harvard and MIT. It hosts online college-level courses in a wide range of disciplines for a student body from around the world, including some courses free of charge. It also conducts learning research based on how people use its platform. edX Free Open edX runs on the open source software platform. 2U is the parent company, which operates edX as its global online learning platform and primary brand for products and services. edX was founded in May 2012 by scientists from MIT and Harvard. Gerry Sussman, Ananth Aggarwal, Chris Terman, and Piotr Mitros taught MIT’s first edX course in Circuits and Electronics, attracting 155,000 students from 162 countries. In 2013 they partnered with Stanford and in June 2013 they reached 1 million students. edx.org has been released as open source, creating Open edX



Udacity is an American nonprofit educational organization that offers massive open online courses by Sebastian Thrun, David Stavens, and Mike Sokolsky. According to Thrun, the origin of the name Udacity came from the company’s desire to be “the student, bold for you.” Although it originally focused on offering university-style courses, now focuses more on professional courses for professionals


9.Linkedln Learning

LinkedIn Learning is an American provider of online learning. It provide video courses taught by industry experts in software, creativity, and business skills. It is a subsidiary of LinkedIn. All courses on LinkedIn fall into four categories: Business, Creativity, Technology, and Certifications. Microsoft acquired LinkedIn in December 2016.


10.MIT Open Courseware

MIT OpenCourseWare is an initiative of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) to publish all academic material from its undergraduate and graduate-level courses online freely and freely available to anyone, anywhere. The project was announced on April 4, 2001 and uses a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license. The program was originally funded by the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, Andrew W. Funded by the Mellon Foundation and MIT. This initiative inspired several other institutions to make their course materials available as open educational resources.


11.Stanford Online

Stanford Online is an educational initiative launched by Stanford University that offers a variety of professional education opportunities. As part of Stanford Online, Stanford University created the open access OpenEdX platform, which offered a variety of massive open online courses (MOOCs) in 2013, but that site is no longer accessible. Online classes previously offered on that platform can now be accessed on an updated platform called edx which offers a wide range of online courses covering many subjects. Some of the online classes offered by Stanford Online are available for free on this platform. Classes can be gained from anywhere in the world.



Codewars is an educational community for computer programming. On the platform, software developers train on programming challenges known as Kata. These discrete programming exercises train a range of skills in different programming languages and are completed in an online integrated development environment. Community and challenge progression are gamified in CodeWars, with users earning ranks and honors for completing Kata, Kata contribution and quality solutions. The platform is owned and operated by Qualified, a technology company that provides a platform to assess and train software engineering skills.


13.EICT Academy

Electronics and ICT Academy IIT Roorkee provides training programs in Electronics and ICT domain with emphasis on practical learning in basic/advanced subjects and emerging technologies. https://eict.iitr.ac.in/


SoloLearn is a series of free apps that allow users to learn various programming languages and concepts through short lessons, code challenges, and quizzes. Lessons are written with beginners in mind.



These resources are great if you want to learn as much as you can in your lifetime. There is no stopping you when you want to learn something. You can find many more resources, but I thought I’d stick with the best ones to start with. The internet is a great place for self-learners and with new information being added every day, we never run out.

Stay up to date with developing issues in the world with these resources; Learn a new skill and step out of your comfort zone. Nothing is stopping you now.


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