21 June 2024

a statue of a woman laying on top of a table

Happy International Yoga Day: Celebrating the Global Practice of Yoga

International Yoga Day, celebrated annually on June 21, finds its roots in a historical event that underscores its global significance. The inception of this day can be traced back to 2014, when the United Nations officially recognized June 21 as International Yoga Day. This recognition was largely driven by the efforts of Indian Prime Minister

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Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library: A Jewel of Yale University

Introduction to Beinecke Library The Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, situated in New Haven, Connecticut, is a cornerstone of pride for Yale University. Renowned for its extensive collection of rare books and manuscripts, the Beinecke Library is not only a treasure trove of historical documents but also an architectural marvel. As one of the

Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library: A Jewel of Yale University Read More »

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